As a breeder of  30 years, I will be highlighting a different cats every so often used in my breeding program.... they all are special to me and have brought me joy and happiness.... lots of good memories
UPDATED 8/30/2020

Brother and Sister littermates, GC BW Kurisumasu Ki-ito, DM (silk).  Kito was supposed to be black and white, but at 4 months of age, pesky tabby lines popped up!  Guess it was to be expected as his sire CH Kiddlyn's Mojo was a solid brown tabby!  Below is
GC Kurisumasu Momiji, DM.(Autumn Leaves)  Flashy patterned mi-ke. I knew I had to keep them both.  Kito had fun showing but didn't quite make a regional win, but he was Best of Breeder Longhair JBT in 1997. Sister Miji wasn't a regional winner either. It probably didn't help I showed them against each other. They were so cute!  But Miji was 2nd Best of Breed Longhair JBT also in 1997.  What fun to collect both awards on the stage at the Ft. Myers CFA Annual in Florida.
Miji and Kito's mom was the wonderful "Poppy" also saluted on this page.  Like their mother both Miji and Kito became "Distinquished Merit" cats.  Miji actually had EIGHT grand babies. 3 more than required.  Kito ended up with 16 and for many years was the leading longhair sire.  But Kito was the FIRST MALE LONGHAIR JAPANESE BOBTAIL DISTINGUISHED MERIT!  (Just like mom, the first ever DM in the longhair division).  The picture of Miji was from the CFA International Show in Anaheim, Ca. in 1996.  She was the BEST LONGHAIR JBT and all of the Best of Breeds and/or Divisions were given a special photo shoot and were featured in all the CFA advertising for the next year.

GC RW  Kurisumasu Tombo D.M.
The first "love" of my JBT boys.  Tombo means dragonfly in Japanese. I called him Tommie.  He was special to me from the day he was born and lived up to my hopes.  His honors include
BEST JBT Kitten in the Japanese Bobtail Breeders' Society, 1992-93.
Highest Scoring JBT Kitten at the Japanese Bobtail Fanciers show, 1992 out of 24 JBT kittens! (6 of 8 final placements)
BEST Red/White JBT in CFA, 1992-93
22nd BEST CAT in the Northwest Region, 1992-93
During the year he was being shown, he started siring. He remained happy and sweet his whole life and a non-spraying tomcat!  His first grand was a pioneer, GC GP RW Kurisumasu Kohana, DM, a longhair cat with many firsts. Tommie and I traveled together almost every weekend in 1992-93.
Because he loved traveling I took him to a few shows the next year as he really missed it!  But when the girls came for courting he was very happy! He visited Texas for a while to make more beautiful babies with Dee Hinkle. He is in many pedigrees!

GC GP RW Kurisumasu Kohana, DM
Kohana, aka "Poppy", was a surprise!  A longhair from two shorthairs.  Her dad is my beloved Tombo.  When she was born Longhair JBTs were not even accepted for showing by CFA, only in TICA.  (Look for Kembo coming soon, as the first EVER LH JBT Grand in any association).  Fortunately for me they were accepted two months after she was born.  She became the first LH JBT to earn the following awards:  Regional Winner as a kitten, 12th Best in NW Region, first DOUBLE regional winner (and in one season) 13th Best Cat in NW Region, BEST Longhair JBT kitten, 1993-94,  in CFA, JBBS, BOBS
2nd Best of Breed in CFA, just missing out to a cousin in New Jersey!!!

She was a Great Mom, earning her Distinguished Merit title in 1997 (produced 5 grands!) She was the FIRST in the Longhair Division of CFA.  Her son Ki-ito was the first MALE D.M. in the Longhair division. She lived a long and happy life.

GC RW  Kurisumasu Kuro Tombo of Kenipurr
Kuro is a direct descendant of Tombo.  He was the first smoke breed winner in the Shorthair division as 3rd Best of Breed  JBT in 2012-13. Like his many great grandfather he was a happy show cat.  He sired some babies then went to a wonderful home.  His black smoke/white color is fabulous and his blue eyes are amazing.  He was the best JBT kitten at the 2012 Japanese Bobtail Fanciers show.

GC GP BW RW DW Kurisumasu Kyoki of Songgwangsa, D.M.
We believe Kyoki has more titles than any other Japanese Bobtail: Grand Champion, Grand Premier, Best of Breed Winner, Regional Winner in the U.S., Divisional Winner in Europe, and a Distinguished Merit. She was my FIRST Best of Breed JBT. Kyoki is another one of Tombo's descendants to make big!  She is his granddaughter. Kyoki went over the rainbow bridge several years ago. She was lovingly owned in her later years by Dr. Olivier Grin who has been a dear friend.
Hugs to you, Olivier.


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